Latest USB Type C Female Connectors

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In general, this female USB type C connector can be found in your day-to-day electronic devices including smartphones and laptops and the primary function of the female connector is to facilitate power for the purpose of charging or data transmission. Contrary to these devices, female connectors are also compatible with external devices such as mobile hard drives, printers, and more. Typically, these connectors require PTH soldering to attach to each device and SMD soldering to bridge with each control pin.

Exclusive Product Compilation 

As we are specialized in manufacturing USB TYPE C female connectors, along with upgraded technology and industry needs, you can get everything here and choose from a variety of features of product specifications to reach the next level.

Discover The Next
Level of Products

As a pioneer in manufacturing connectors, we won’t let you down and we are committed to craft products beyond your imagination.


Our products are everywhere starting from hard drives to high-tech laptops and mobile phones.

Array of models

We have 120 models of standard quality products & 16 models of waterproof series in stocks.


Name your requirements and we will get everything done with perfection just the way you want.

Quality controlling

As we always adhere to strict industry standards & testing, our products are second to none.

Let’s make your
wealth work for you

Welcome to the worldwide pioneering professionals in supplying all kinds ofhigh-quality products from the best certified


Our products are everywhere starting from hard drives to high-tech laptops and mobile phones.

Array of models

Currently we have 120 models of standard products & 16 models of waterproof series in stocks.


Name your requirements and we will get everything done with perfection just the way you want.

Quality controlling

As we always adhere to rigorous industry standards & testing, our products are second to none.

How We Go Beyond
Your Expectations

Industry experts

Backed by more than 16 years of industry experience we offer only quality-assured products with perfection while exceeding your expectations.

R & D-based practices

We will provide products that you will never see anywhere else as we are already ahead of our competitors due to our R & D based practices.


Detach the rest and check us out to see the difference our products can make as we prioritize your satisfaction foremost of all and we are always available for you.

Where Do We Provide The Services

As you are looking for a smart solution for your tech needs, our products will do the deed and give you the upper hand in whatever industry you belong to. And, if you are looking for high-end female USB type C connectors, look no further than here. We can guarantee that you will only get premium quality products crafted with the best ever materials. Moreover, we have everything for you to choose from to meet your unique industry needs within your reach. Here are the industries where we provide infinite possibilities!

The Way We Craft the Quality to Perfection

Along with 16 years of experience, we have become a proud manufacturer of USB connectors that are beyond your expectations. We are the ultimate tech solution provider that you can ever find to up your brand to the next level. Our ultra-advanced technology facilities and laboratories make it possible to manufacture customized USB Type C connectors including both Type C female connectors and Type C male connectors. In addition, as we pay attention to even the slightest details along with rigorous quality control and testing, you can expect to get flawless high-end products from us. In addition, to prove that we are worthy for you, we are getting better day by day and growing in a rapid phase by providing an infinity of solutions for all the market needs.

Free Samples With No Strings Attached

Dare to try us? Get your free samples here and as we can guarantee 100% quality, leave everything in our care!

We are the Best in Standard!

Our approach is non-other than standing ahead of technology and innovation to become better. And to support our claims, we got rewarded on our way.

Notions On Our Quality

If you have even the slightest doubt about our products, we merrily invite you over to take a look at the notions of our previous clients to see what sets us apart from the rest.

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